UPDATE: Tesla Healing Center is suspending its services until further notice, effective August 1, 2023. Our vision and commitment to providing exceptional healing services remain steadfast and we hope to reopen our doors in the future.
Redding, CA clients: Astrid will continue to provide bio-electrical frequency therapy. To set up an appointment contact her at 530-364-4894, info@teslahealinggroup.com or go to https://calendly.com/teslahealinggroup/60min
Personalized. rejuvenating. healing.
tesla Healing Center
Welcome to Tesla Healing Center, where we are dedicated to helping you address the root causes of your symptoms in order to improve and restore your physical and psychological well being and get you back to doing what you love!

Personalized Approach
Whether you come in with an existing diagnosis, with new or old symptoms you would like relief from, or with the desire to strengthen your wellness journey, your journey with us will be customized to your goals.

Listening, observing, understanding
We will spend significant time getting to know you, and together with you create a personalized wellness plan to propel you to improved health and wellness.

Hope and health
We are dedicated to helping you with preventive care, as well as help you experience breakthrough, rejuvenation and improvement in your current chronic or acute symptoms.
Recharge your body,
improve your life
Your body uses electricity, energy, frequency or vibration to function. Interruptions cause imbalances, illness and blockages. Let us help you get back to optimal functionality so you can live the life you envision.
More Time
Our clients spend and average of 45-60 minutes in a 1:1 setting per visit.
Personalized Wellness Plan
You know you best. We will partner with you to create a personalized wellness plan that promotes your desired outcome.
You are not your symptom. We want to know you in order to provide better assistance to your whole being.
Regular check ins will help you track your improvement of functional capacity.
We are committed to the optimization of your functional capacity and improvement of your symptoms, not just a short term band-aid.
Functional Capacity

Quantum bio-electric frequency therapy sessions
Pastoral Services
Med-Bed suite stay / rental
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Recharge My Body?
Functional Capacity increases when you recharge your neurons through frequency therapy, the amplification of localized Life Force Energy or by sleeping on a Med Bed.
What Makes Your Services Different?
Tesla Healing Center only uses non-invasive, non-chemical, safe, FDA registered modalities that reach you at the cellular level, help to rejuvenate your DNA, and increase your vitality. Your personalized journey allows you to identify what matters to you.
How Do I Know This Will Work For Me?
If your symptoms are related to acute or chronic pain, pre -and post op, mental health, neurological blockage, PTSD, fatigue, sleep disorder, viral – bacterial or toxicity issues, we invite you to come for a free consultation. This will allow us to understand your objectives and in what way our modalities will help you reach them.
Do You Take New Clients?
We have availability for new clients in both our locations. Set up your free 1 hour consultation here:

Tesla Healing Center is a non-profit organization whose vision is to work in partnership with medical and health professionals and provide solutions that restore hope
and heal individuals, families, communities and nations.. When our world suddenly changed due to a pandemic, the search for breakthrough DNA repairing modalities propelled Bryan Trygstad to launch Tesla Healing Center in Anchorage Alaska in 2021. The impact of our services did not go unnoticed and led to the opening of our second center in Redding, California in 2022.
Visit Us In Redding
1670 Market Street, Suite 124
Redding, CA 96001
Visit Us In Anchorage
751 E 36th Ave Suite #102
Anchorage, Alaska 99503

Disclaimer: The content on this site is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Reliance on or use of the information on the website is at their own risk.